Since September our family has
been on this incredible journey to bring home Lucy. There have been
moments of disappointment, moments of loneliness and exhaustion. It's not
because we haven't had a good support system, quite the contrary really.
Lots of family and friends have stepped up in huge ways to pray for and
support us. I think the loneliness and
exhaustion is a combination of the constant go, go, go to fund raise, organize,
run and pull off each fundraiser, deliver sold or won items, pick up donations,
complete paperwork, search for all the documentation required, and simply from
the overwhelming amount of mental/physical/emotional energy that is expelled.
And you know, life doesn't stop happening for a family in the midst of
adoption. Washer and dryers stop working, AC's stop cooling, garage door
openers decide to quit, unexpected bills come up, a kid decides to go to
college, fundraisers for the three kids at school, team fees, field trips,
work, school for momma, new job for poppa, etc. Oh and I found out the
hard way, I still have to feed them every night or I am likely to have a revolt
on my hands... fair warning to any parents considering adopting, little people
get hangry, too.
However, as stressful as all
that sounds, let me tell you what. This momma has had PEACE through out
the whole process. I know, that I know that I know that God has called us
to adopt Lucy, I know that I know that I know that He has made a way, I know
that I know that I know that He is going to be glorified through the works of
this process.
Ephesians 2:10 "For we
are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God
prepared in advance for us to do."
That's amazing to me!
That He saw fit these two sinners, a man and woman who are both divorced,
lived in sin, made mistakes, and He decided we were worthy not only of being
SAVED, of REDEMPTION through His Son, Jesus. But He thought we were
worthy and through Him, capable of bringing another child into our home to love
on. He gave us Rebeka, with all her special needs and I believe now in
hindsight that He gave her to us because He knew we would love her in spite of
all the medical concerns, she is our daughter. But I see now that it was
part of a larger plan, His plan for us to not fear the unknown that
special needs brings, a plan to break down our preconceived notions about
people with disabilities, a plan to help us to see the child behind the
diagnosis. Why?
Because, how could we live
James 1:27 with the child He knit together in her biological mother's womb for
us if we could not put aside the fear, the stigma, the diagnosis?
James 1:27 "Religion that
God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look
after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from
being polluted by the world."
To say that I am overwhelmed
with feelings of awe that He would think us worthy of such a task is just not
descriptive enough. To say that I feel humbled that He would
choose us for Lucy out of the billions of people of this planet, that He would
move so clearly and mightily in our lives, just leaves me speechless and
without breath.
And now, the most amazing part
of this story so far. And yes, I'm crying right now. From the first
day I have been saying it, this is so much bigger than our little adoption.
There is nothing special about us in comparison to other families
going through the process. Nothing. We are ordinary, every day
people. We struggle with finances, we struggle with parenting,
we struggle with relationships. So it just blows my mind that
we get to SEE what Ephesians 2:10 was talking about, we get to see what
part of the work that God prepared for us to do actually is!
My amazing friend and sister
in Christ, Gina, has a beautiful ministry, Worship At The Waves. She
began it after the Lord pressed on her that she was to travel from one beach
location to another, and minister to the lost through music. Let me tell
you, when the sun is going down, the gorgeous colors of the sunset and
the wondrous endlessness of the ocean are before you as you're lifting up
your voices and arms to our Heavenly Father, you will understand and feel
Gina came to me the other day
and over a cup of coffee God revealed to us both the next phase for Worship At
The Waves and the Fleites Family Adoption. He clearly presented the
location and the plan. We both got very excited (as did Yudith who was
home early) and did our praying separately. Gina went to the location God
presented and asked if they would allow a "Worship At The Garden"
event to benefit Lucy's adoption. The owner agreed immediately!
And she's donating the venue!
Praise God!!!
An opportunity to
reach hundreds of people through worship! The perfect setting
for ministering to the lost and reminding them that they are loved!
The perfect setting to introduce them to our daughter, so far away that
doesn't know she is so very loved! By a family and most importantly, by
God, who sees her as precious a child as He sees us. I can't wait to
spend an evening just reveling in that knowledge with all our loved ones!
So here is the big reveal!!!
JUNE 16, 2016
6:30 PM TO 9:30 PM
More details to follow!!! We
have the date and times confirmed, but we're still working on the catering.
I'll update as we receive confirmation from vendors! If you
would like to be added to our event invitation page, please click on the
following link:
Please be in prayer for our
adoption, for our event, and for the lives that will be touched that night!
Thank you to the Shabby Chic
Barn for the amazing donation to help our adoption! Please check out
their website and consider them for your next event! Let them know Gina
at Worship At The Waves is how you heard about them!