Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I tell my family every day how much I love them, so no, we do not go all out for Valentine's Day.  I do give my girls a little treat, this year is was a ring pop, and I gave each of them a card talking about God's love for us. 

I send my grown children, parents, sisters and nieces I love you's.  Manny will usually bring me flowers several days before, or after.  I love getting flowers but NOT on V Day.  (You just paid twice what they were worth, and I'm a Clearance Girl at heart, so this is offensive to me!)  I make dinner everyday, so making a "Special Meal" seems redundant, since I do that all the time!

Now, don't get me wrong, I love getting cards, flowers, chocolates!  But I'd rather you brought them to me on a random day, one that tells me that you thought of ME that day.  Not on the day that society is REMINDING you to bring me a token of your affection. 

Manny has learned over the years that if he brings me a token today, he gets a sweet thank you and I go back to my everyday tasks, but for the flowers he brought me last week, he got a sincere thank you with a side dish of kisses! ;) 

Roses Manny brought me last week!

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