Saturday, January 7, 2012


So every year, after Christmas, I go through a Mess Detox.  I go systematically, room by room, closets, drawers, furniture, linens, every nook and cranny.  I eliminate everything that has accumulated over the year, and rearrange my living areas so it's not always the same old set up.  And every year, I fill the garage with yard sale items.  Every year I promise myself to not let things accumulate in the house.  And every year I fail to keep that promise.  Now, I am a neat freak.  I don't keep anything that's not necessary.  But somehow, I always find things to eliminate.  This year, we even have furniture going.  Clothes, toys, shoes, frames, kitchen items. 

The girls hate it when I go on one of my cleaning binges.  But I feel refreshed afterwards.  I am happy when I look at my house and see clean, organized rooms.  I can function more effectively.  Which makes me a nicer Mommy and Wife all around! LOL!! I guess, it's in my family's best interest that I make the time to clean and purge!!

This time, I have purged my email list, my facebook friend's list, my cell phone contacts.  If you aren't a positive contributor of love, understanding and friendship, then chances are you'll be eliminated!  And I feel positively LIBERATED!!!  Who knew a simple phone listing could hold so much power over one's emotions?

New motto for the 2012 year "If you aren't a positive, then I need to minus you out of my equation."  

Life is too short, and I want to spend it with the ones I love and value.  The ones that love and value me in return. 

This is going to be the Year of New Beginnings!!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you girl! Doesn't it feel awesome to get rid of that negative yuckiness? I know I love it! MUAH!
